Living with Reality – Ep. 18 – Working Through Grief
Touching on the wave of collective grief cresting the planet, Dr. Svoboda offers practical Ayurvedic wisdom on working with negative emotions like loss and fear in the body.
In this episode of Living With Reality, Paula Crossfield introduces a timely dharma talk from Dr. Robert Svoboda outlining both the collective and personal nuances of working through grief. Shedding light from the Ayurvedic perspective on how to transmute feelings of loss, fear, and emptiness into feelings of wholeness and fullness through proper breathing, eating, and acceptance, Dr. Svoboda relays wisdom of growth through the discomfort.
The Wave of Collective Grief
Touching in on the wave of collective grief which has washed over and crested society due to the radical loss of life, jobs, homes, meaningful roles, and purpose due to the planetary karma of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Svoboda shares an Ayurvedic perspective on the causational connection between Vata and grief.
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