Welcome, it is my hope that you will find some useful resources here as you explore your interest in the spiritual knowledge base of India. If you are new to the subjects of Ayurveda, Tantra, Jyotisha etc. a good place to start might be this page of articles I’ve written on these subjects for various publications, or my multimedia page, where you can see video clips of talks I’ve given or discover some of the courses I’ve put together to aid you in your studies. Also by popular request the new site contains more details on where and when I will be teaching in upcoming months here.
Foundations of Āyurveda Part I, a course I taught with Dr. Claudia Welch, is currently available for students to take here. This course is a deep dive into Ayurvedic principles, covering the salient points of the philosophies that pervade Ayurveda, including the Four Aims and Stages of life and Sankhya philosophy, as well as looking in more detail at the Five Elements, the Three Gunas, the Twenty Qualities, the Three Dosas, the Fifteen Subdoshas, Agni, Ama, and more. You can read a full description of the course on Dr. Welch’s website. In addition, a second installment of the course, Foundations of Āyurveda Part II, is also now available as an online course. Part II provides an in-depth exploration of the intermediate principles of Ayurveda, such that both students new to, and practiced in Ayurveda can find them enlivened, expanded, or reinforced.
My blog will offer periodic updates, including material from my lectures and travels, and occasionally your questions, as well of lists of things from around the web that I’ve recently found interesting. For example, you can read this post which gives some thoughts in response to those who have written to ask me about gurus. You can also sign up to receive my newsletter, which will include info about my upcoming talks and other news in addition to a note from me. In addition you can also stay in touch by following my page on Facebook, Instagram and on YouTube where you can find my regularly updates series “5 Minutes with Dr. Svoboda.”
You can also learn more about my books, see a list of books written by others that I recommend, learn more about me and my work and discover the work of others (Jyotishis, Ayurveda recommendations and more) on this resource page.
I hope that whatever you find on this site can be of use to you as you further your studies of the various Indian vidyas. Though because of time constraints I’m able to respond to very few of the emails and letters I receive, I do appreciate hearing from you.
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu!
Dr Robert Svoboda